WEP and WPA are the two main security protocols used in Wi-Fi LAN. These vulnerabilities exist because of issues in WEP or WPA. Poor encryption is related to security keys used to protect the wireless network. It may include a weak password, a lack of security settings, use of default configurations and other user-related issues. Poor configuration is caused by the network admin who manages the network. One is poor configuration and the other is poor encryption. Two types of vulnerabilities can be found in the Wireless LAN. But in ad hoc networks, there is no access point each node connects in a peer-to-peer way. Infrastructure networks have one or more access points that coordinate the traffic between the nodes.

Other than that, it's really good for nothing.Wireless networks are based on IEEE 802.11 standards defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE ) for ad hoc networks or infrastructure networks.

WiFi Dumpper is a truly useless app, unless your aim is just to pose as a hacker who has the tools to crack any WiFi network wherever you are. Once you've done that, all you have to do is tap on any of the networks within your connections bar for Android, from there you can paste in one of the passwords, or anywhere else. Users on this app do, however, get the chance to supply this app with the network's security algorithm (WEP 64 bits, WEP 256 bits, WPA 64 bits, etc.) and tap on the 'copy password' button to paste any of the three generated passwords into your WiFi settings bar. Truth be told, WiFi Dumpper doesn't actually deliver on its remit due to the fact that the passwords it provides you with are generated completely at random, and in all likelihood are of absolutely no use to you when it comes to 'hacking' your way onto someone's WiFi network. WiFi Dumper – as its name states – promises you the ability to access nearby WiFi networks by providing you with a list of possible passwords that might work to access a specific network.